Global Language Advocacy Day 2022 is a worldwide event
coordinated by the GCLR that took place on February 22, 2022.
Inspired by 40 years of advocacy for language justice by the Joint National Committee for Languages (JNCL) and the Canadian Language Advocacy Day (#LAD21) the GCLR is coordinating a world day of action on February 22, 2022.
#GLAD22 or Global Language Advocacy Day 2022 is a worldwide event coordinated by GCLR and designed to inspire a change of attitudes, behaviors and beliefs around language rights and linguistic justice.
You can find details of GLAD events below:
#GLAD22 Feedback Survey
The first ever Global Language Advocacy Day (GLAD22), was a huge success!
The Global Coalition for Language Rights (GCLR) helped coordinate 13 GLAD related events and initiatives this year. With participants from all over the world, GLAD was kicked off in Asia and Australia with two live panel discussions, and was wrapped up by two events in Canada and the United States. Conversations about language rights and language advocacy filled the day.
What’s next? Well, we want to hear from you!
Please complete this GLAD22 Feedback Survey. We want to know what you liked most about GLAD and what we can do to make it a better experience for you next year.
Our objectives for #GLAD22 were:
To connect with public and private sector language industry organizations and language professionals and generate awareness about their work concerning language advocacy;
To use the power of participation as ‘advocacy commitment’, pledging support for the cause, and creating a dialogue about language as a human right;
To generate media buzz around the cause by reaching out and engaging governments, academia, tech as well as public and private sector organizations.
Both individuals and organizations have the power to spark social progress and policy changes.
Advocating for language rights can be challenging, but these conversations might not happen if you don't add your voice, and language injustices might remain unaddressed.
Whether you are an individual or the representative of a coalition, business or organization, everyone can be an advocate for language access and linguistic justice.
Countries: Canada, United States

Online Conference Organized by:
Event description:
The task of Language Access Coalition of Canada, is to connect language advocates with their representatives, create briefings and guidance about the process of advocacy for language access to help to feel confident in pursuing advocacy agenda.
Join the 2nd Canadian Language Advocacy Day event: Our Language Rights Conference 2022 on February 22, 2022. It will be an opportunity for language rights advocates and stakeholders to meet, share, learn about and collaborate on projects that promote language rights and justice advocacy across Canada. Learn more about the conference.
The conference is a free virtual event - register here to join!
If you cannot attend the conference, but want to keep up with the LACC, sign up for their newsletter.
Pre-recorded Interview Organized by:
Event description:
To mark #GLAD22, Avishta Seeras, the creator and producer of The Lingua-Cultura Experience, sits down with the GCLR to discuss language and culture advocacy done through her organization and its contribution to social change.
The Lingua-Cultura Experience is a platform to promote quality language education, multilingualism, intercultural understanding and to advocate for the preservation of Indigenous languages and cultures.

Online Presentation Organized by:
Event description:
Translation Commons will present GLAD 2022 and introduce one of the world's leading advocates for the Chakma language, Bivuti Chakma who will share about his journey and advocacy to digitize the Chakma language.
This is an example of the power a single individual can bring to change the fate of his language by creating what is needed for his community to go digital. The presentation will take place on February 18, 2022 at 8AM PST, and is part of the UNESCO Community of Practice which was created in 2019 under the aegis of the International Year of Indigenous Languages and the growing group has been meeting monthly since.
Those interested in joining the presentation can email Translation Commons.

Announcement Organized by:
Event description:
To mark #GLAD22, MCIS Language Solutions will announce scholarships for interpreter training on February 22, 2022 at 9:15AM EST.
MCIS will be making this special announcement during the Our Languages Conference.
Click here to register for the conference and to learn more about scholarship details.

Pre-recorded Message Organized by:
Event description:
MasterWord's first of two #GLAD22 events is a video message by Amber Galloway premiering on the MasterWord website on February 22, 2022 at 10AM CST.
Removing barriers changes lives. That is the core message of Amber Galloway’s short video exploration of the movement to provide more meaningful language access to one of the largest language groups in the US, those who use American Sign Language.
Through in-person interviews with Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing people across generations, Amber paints a vivid picture of the experience of a group more often recognized for their physical condition than their unique language and culture. She highlights the movement to open greater access to communication beyond the bare minimum of emergency room visits and court hearings, and into the world of entertainment and music concerts.
What does true communication access look like? In education? In entertainment? Amber helps us find the answers to these questions and explains how to be proactive about communication access. She gives tips for helping decision-makers with questions about budgeting for access and getting the most from a commitment to provide interpreters for public events.
Pulling from her experience as one of the foremost music sign language interpreters in the world, Amber shows us how hands can bring music to life and how music interpretations can demonstrate the emotional bonds which have driven music lovers to concerts for years. We get a glimpse at what being proactive about access looks like as she shares clips from successful concerts in Romania and Ukraine and talks about the expanding roll of Deaf interpreters who can perform the music they love for appreciative audiences.

Online Panel Discussion Organized by:
Event description:
MasterWord's second #GLAD22 event is taking place on February 22, 2022 at 3PM CST on the ProZ platform. The event is a panel discussion with Ludmila Golovine and Natalia Abarca.
Have you ever tried learning a new subject in a language you don’t understand? This is the experience for many children in the US for whom English is not their native language. For speakers of marginalize languages the situation is even worse.
Every year, over 1.2 million students drop out of school in the United States, with English learners dropping out at three times the rate of native speakers. The biggest contributor to the challenge of these students is lack of effective language access: student access to their education and parent access to their children’s education through teachers, support staff, and critical information. Deaf students and parents who use American Sign Language face the same challenge and rely on the same solution.
This discussion hosted by Ludmila Golovine with special guests, Natalia Abarca and Dr. Renae Bryant, explores what has been working and where more is still needed to provide effective access to education for one of our most vulnerable populations with the most to gain – children.
When specially trained educational interpreters are accessible and used effectively, barriers come down and outcomes improve dramatically. Orange County School District, California, is one US district taking language access seriously. Their programs became even more critical as the global pandemic threw schools into disarray. Many lessons have been learned and dropout rates are falling, but there is still much that can be done, including a focus on indigenous languages and the move to professionalize educational interpreters.
Asia, Australia & the Pacific
Countries: Myanmar, Australia

Webinar Organized by:
Event description:
MICP is hosting a #GLAD22 webinar event on February 22nd at 9:30am MMT (February 21, 10pm EST). There will be a discussion on language rights and social cohesion in Myanmar and its implications for developing peace or conflict.
Hear from MICP and local community leaders working in language development on what challenges and opportunities exist in regards to language rights. Register for the webinar here!

Blog Post Organized by:
Naomi Fillmore, PhD Student at
University of Queensland
Event description:
Naomi, a language and education specialist and a PhD student and Research Assistant at the University of Queensland, is marking the confluence of International Mother Language Day on February 21, and Global Language Advocacy Day on February 22, with a written contribution to the GCLR blog discussing the right to linguistically inclusive education, why it matters and what can be done to uphold it.
Check out the blog today!

Webinar Organized by:
Senior Research Fellow Gerald Roche, Politics, Media & Philosophy
La Trobe University
Event description:
Asia is a linguistically diverse region, but this diversity is currently under threat. After centuries of colonisation and decades of rapid development, communities throughout Asia are facing distinct and urgent challenges to defend their rights to language in the face of discimination, exclusion, and violence.
How are Indigenous people and languages across Asia responding to this situation? Who decides which languages deserve attention and resources? How can awareness of Indigenous languages be raised and new political agendas promoted?
As the world enters what UNESCO has delcared as the Decade of Indigenous Languages, this webinar will explore these issues with several researchers from Asia - people who speak, advocate for, or research some of the region's many Indigenous langauges.
Click to watch the webinar with Assistant Professor Prem Phyak from The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Associate Professor Madoka Hammine from Meio University; Associate Professor Tuting Hernandez from the University of the Philippines and Senior Research Fellow Gerald Roche from La Trobe University recorded on February 22, 12:30 AEDT.
Countries: England, Wales, Ireland, Netherlands

Event description:
Professor O'Brien has recently coordinated an EU-funded project called "INTERACT", the International Network in Crisis Translation, which sought to bring stakeholders from different disciplines and sectors to research the role of translation in crisis settings to ensure equal and fair access to information.
In a special post published to mark Global Language Advocacy Day, Prof. O'Brien shares more about the work she has undertaken in the past years with "INTERACT", and how translation can be an empowering tool for crisis response, recovery and preparation.
Publication Promotion Organized by:
Event description:
As an initiative for language rights and language access, Charity Translators will promote the newly published 'Quick Guide to Language Support', developed in collaboration with the Association of Translation Companies (ATC), that aims to offer guidance to UK charities, about languages, translation and interpreting. The publication will be available on the Charity Translators website on GLAD, February 22, 2022.

Blog Post Organized by:
Mace Hoque
Event description:
In an upcoming #GLAD22 blog post, language advocate shares thoughts on why Sylheti should be considered its own language; the importance of teaching younger generations their mother language; and about his language advocacy work and initiatives.

Online Panel Discussion Organized by:
Event description:
On February 22, 2022 at 8PM CET, Drongo together with the Rutu Foundation, will be hosting an online panel discussion (Language is a Human Right: Global Language Advocacy Day) to raise awareness and initiate dialogue on language as a human right.
"Taal is op de eerste plaats een communicatiemiddel. Maar taal is ook een essentieel onderdeel van wie we zijn. Het recht op het spreken van de eigen taal is een van de culturele rechten en is vastgelegd in diverse internationale verdragen.
Welke taal je spreekt kan voor een belangrijk deel bepalen of je binnen of buiten wordt gesloten. Bijvoorbeeld in de zorg waar de aanwezigheid van een tolk het verschil tussen leven en dood kan betekenen. Of in het onderwijs waar meertalige kinderen regelmatig worden ontmoedigd en soms zelfs bestraft wanneer zij hun thuistaal spreken."
The panel discussion will be in English and Dutch. Speakers include: Lucio Bagnulo, Ellen-Rose Kambel, and Simone Goosen. The panel will be moderated by Maaike Verrips, Drongo's founder and director. Register here on the Drongo platform to join the session.
International & Video Initiatives

Webinar Organized by:
Translators Without Borders and CLEAR Global
Event description:
TWB and CLEAR Global is marking #GLAD22 with a special LinkedIn webinar on Monday, February 21. Their Head of Research, Evidence, and Advocacy, Ellie Kemp will join Ahmed Ali Saleh, Capacity building officer for the Nigeria program, to discuss how everyone can advocate for communication and listening in languages people understand.
The Lingua-Cultura Experience #GLAD22 Interview